The Sitrin Foundation is committed to transforming the lives of people of all ages and abilities through philanthropy and community involvement.
Strength. Self-esteem. Empowerment. Achievement. The power of your gift is life-changing.
When you invest in Sitrin, you’re also investing in the local community. Your donation will directly support services that enhance the lives of people of all ages and abilities, including medical rehabilitation, long-term care, assisted living, NeuroCare, daytime adult care, military rehabilitation, adaptive sports, child care, and more.
Yes. You can donate to the program of your choice, remember a loved one, or celebrate an occasion with a special gift to Sitrin. On the donation page, simply click the dropdown menu under “My gift will support,” and select a program. Additionally, you can select the dropdown menu under “Donation category,” and choose in memory or honor, which will then provide a space to type an event or individual’s name.
We send each donor an acknowledgement. Your gifts may also be reflected in future online stories, social media postings, newsletters, and donor appreciation mailings produced by the Sitrin Foundation.
Yes. Sitrin offers a range of planned gift options, including Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT), Charitable Lead Trust (CRT), Charitable Bequest, as well as beneficiary gifts through retirement plans or life insurance policies. Often referred to as deferred gifts, planned gifts are charitable giving methods that allow you to express your personal values by integrating your charitable, family, and financial goals. Planned gifts refer to specific strategies that, in most cases, will benefit Sitrin at some point in the future, while offering immediate benefits to you. To learn more about planned giving, please contact Marc DePerno, Vice President of Foundation & Communications, at (315) 737-2416 or
The Charles T. Sitrin Health Care Center is a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gift may qualify as a charitable deduction for tax purposes. You will receive a confirmation immediately after submitting your donation, which can serve as a receipt. Please contact your tax adviser for further advice.
If your online donation failed after completing the transaction, it is likely that the information provided, such as credit card number or address, did not match the information on file at your bank. For further assistance, please contact us at
Sitrin offers a variety of enriching volunteer and internship opportunities to help you make an impact in our local community. For information on becoming a Sitrin volunteer, please call (315) 737-2406.
Please contact Marc DePerno, Vice President of Foundation & Communications, at (315) 737-2416 or for any inquires or donation questions.