December 5, 2023
MVAR Annual Golf Tournament Raises Funds for Sitrin Military Program
The Mohawk Valley Association of REALTORS, Inc. (MVAR) recently presented a check in the amount of $19,031 to the Sitrin Military Program. These funds were raised during MVAR’s annual golf tournament held on August 4th. Sitrin is very grateful to MVAR for continuing to support local veteran care through the Sitrin Military Program.
Pictured are (l-r) MVAR Golf Committee Chairperson, David Smith, Sitrin Vice President of Clinical Development and Director of the Sitrin Military Program, Jackie Warmuth, MVAR Golf Committee Members Susan Alberico and Michelle Grzesik, Sitrin President & CEO, Christa Serafin, and Sitrin Vice President of Foundation & Communications, Marc DePerno.